Home Office Decor Tips -Working From Home With Style

By January 11, 2019Blog
Home Office Decor Tips From Atom


Inspiring productivity at workplace is the key to a happy work life! But with our changing lifestyles, the dimensions of our job has extended beyond the office space. Technology has enabled us to take our work with us wherever we are – be it having a quick webinar with a client from a coffee shop or having business discussions over a football game. And this technology has entered the home in the form of a smart work station – a dedicated place from where one can work at home!

Every young urban home imperatively has a workspace or a home office- a desk with organised compartments in the master bedroom or a small study dedicated with books or simply a cozy chamber to take work calls! We would like to take your home office to the next level, by suggesting ideas to create an invigorating space that boosts your work-life balance while keeping up your productivity!


Starting With The Space

Study Room Storage Creative Shelves Handle

To start with, figure out where your Home Office will be. In case your apartment comes with a study, space is already available for work. In other cases, you will need to convert a room into an office or create a partition to divide a room to create a dedicated home office workspace. The idea is to set aside an area in your house which is only devoted to professional work and facilitating it with everything you need to be on top of your game!


Colors That Work!

Choosing colour for home study or home officeOnce your space is ready, it’s time to turn it into an office that takes you away from distractions and helps you focus with ease! Your home office should look like a cozy, personalised place of work, hence distracting elements should be kept minimal. Monochromes effortlessly create a work-vibe, but in some cases, bright colors add a touch of vigor in home office spaces! Depending on your profession, decide if you want a serious ambiance or a playful, creative energy before choosing your palette for the home office!


Furniture & Storage


The work desk is the foremost Home Office furniture essential that your entire workspace decor revolves around! Choose a desk that is big enough for your work and has in-built storage that reduces storage load on the rest of the area! Choose from hundreds of designs and materials or try out foldable desks if space is a concern or a floating table option for your home office. Invest in comfy chairs (you won’t regret it!) and shelving units with discreet storage so that home office organisation is quick and breezy! Keeping this space tidy is crucial, so optimise the space by installing overhead storages/ shelves/ cabinets that do not cramp your home study! Find a wide range of multi-utility furniture from quirky Karpntree that looks great and reduces clutter with their built-in storage! Include trunking and portholes to keep that unsightly tangle of electrical wires at bay.

Manage electrical cords in home office

Accessories and Fixtures

Pegboards in home office study

Add a punch of creativity to your Home Office by using pin-boards and peg boards where you can attach priority notes or to-dos without fuss. Conquer a blizzard of papers using small baskets or wall mount storage. Your home office should not look like a disorganised mess of papers and souvenirs that one has to tiptoe around! Keep the air flow going and make sure your office is well-lit! Along with overhead lights, bring home statement lamps or install a chandelier for a more stylish office!


An automated Experience

dlighting automation for home officeInvesting in home automation is a brilliant idea if you’re pondering working from home. Atom Interior’s home automation solution Krome can control temperature, lights, security cameras, doors and windows among multiple other devices seamlessly through your smartphone. Now use your imagination to create the perfect ambience for your home study! An automated workspace will also help you conserve energy and monitor your expenses at the touch of a button!


Create Some Personality

home office personalisation 2

Now, this is where your home office gets fun and creative! Give yourself a view as you work and display things to keep you connected with your personal life too. An added advantage of having a personalised home study – your clients will connect with you better as they get to know the person too! Splurge on rugs, exotic bookcases and framed posters that reflect your hobbies. Place some potted succulents or small plants to add a refreshing focus of green in your workspace. Work and play go hand in hand and your home office should never tire you out! Remember to put ample seating if your clients drop by the home office and make the seating very comfortable.

Having a fully equipped, organised home office has more advantages than you can think of! Remote jobs are on a steady rise and working from the comfort of your home will soon become a conventional way of doing business. It also helps if you have kids at home or seniors who may need your help from day to day. Avoid commute or simply escape into your home office for a quiet hour of reading before sleep – this is your space to get things done! Get in touch with our interior design experts at Atom Interiors for free design consultation or interiors upgrades for your home office!



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