Did you know that gardening makes for a very delightful hobby because it helps in distressing? Of course, while many hobbies do help in relaxation and reducing stress, gardening has proven to be the most effective in this regard. However, not all plants exude the same level of anti stress oxidant.
So, chose the plants that wish to spend your spare time with wisely. Following are some of the best plants which can help you relieve stress:
1) Rubber Tree

The best part about a rubber tree is that you do not have to water it regularly. It can thrive even in dim-lit areas, literally making it your true friend in dark times.
2) English Ivy

This air-purifying plant is easy to grow and can be both a floor and hanging plant. You can create your own planters and plant English Ivy in them. That will serve as a decorative purpose too.
3) Aloe Plant

We are all aware of the benefits of Aloe Vera. It is considered as the panacea for all hair, skin and health related troubles. To add to its repertoire of virtues, it is also a great air filter. The leaves will show brown spots if the pollutant levels rise excessively.
4) Peace Lily

Peace Lily is a very beautiful plant and does not require arduous efforts for maintenance at all. I would plant it even if it did not serve any cleansing purpose. However, other than being appealing to look at, Peace Lily, true to its name, actually spreads peace around by the way of reducing air toxins.
5) Golden Pothos

These are beautiful and amazing hanging plants which grow in vines along with the leaves and stems. They stand out from the other plants that grow in the pots. Just a point to be noted while you grow them, they require less amount of sun and need cooler places.
6) Snake plant

This friendly plant is what every house requires as it helps you and me by absorbing excessive CO2 content from the air which is a boon in itself. They are pocket-friendly too as they are low maintenance plants and need less water to survive.
7) Jade Plant

Now if you are looking for a plant that will accompany you for many years then this is the one. It is not only easy to care but looks beautiful too. And the best part is it can survive in the sunny areas too.
8) Red-edged Dracaena

This plant would require an enough space as it can grow up to 15 feet tall. These have pretty red colour to it which makes it an option to bring it home. This not only purifies but helps you to relax and help get better sleep.
These are the top 10 plants that I would say help in air purification. While there are dozen more plants, these 10 require the least possible level of maintenance.